A Girl Have X-Ray Eyes..!!

Posted by ^DiLoG^ on Monday, June 29, 2009

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Wah Hebat, ada anak gadis di Rusia memiliki kemampuan mata Sinar X (X-Ray). Natasha Demkina, menyatakan bahwa dirinya mempunyai kemampuan luar biasa yaitu dapat melihat tembus pandang tubuh manusia. Dia bahkan bisa mendeteksi penyakit yang diderita oleh seorang pasien tanpa menggunakan alat bantu Ultrasound atau Sinar X.


Tatyana Vladimovna, ibu dari Natasha, berkata bahwa anaknya tumbuh seperti anak yang lainnya bahkan terlihat dewasa diusianya. Tapi dia mampu mengerjakan sesuatu yang lebih cepat dari anak lainnya. Pada usia 6 Bulan dia sudah bisa berbicara dan pada usia 3 tahun sudah menguasai huruf alfabet serta mampu mengendarai kendaraan salju.


46599527370072624_623445567d818a54a42a7da7501ec545f0058d4a Natasha Demkina


Lalu kapan Natasha memiliki kemampuan untuk melihat kedalam tubuh seseorang dengan tembus pandang ? Natasha memperoleh kemampuan itu pada usia 10 tahun. Ketika itu dia masuk rumah sakit untuk operasi usus buntu. Setelah operasi usus buntu, terjadi sedikit komplikasi, dokter mengatakan bahwa ada kapas yang tertinggal di daerah sekitar perut Natasha. Kemudian Natasha masuk lagi keruang operasi untuk pengangkatan kapas tersebut. Setelah operasi keduanya sekitar satu bulan dia meninggalkan rumah sakit, Natasha berkata pada ibunya bahwa dia bisa melihat usus, ginjal dan hati di dalam perut sang ibu.


Lalu Natasha di bawa ke rumah sakit Anak di kota Saransk, dimana ada seorang dokter yang akan menguji apakah Natasha memiliki kemampuan mata Sinar X. Lalu Natasha menggambarkan isi perut sang dokter yang terdapat semacam bisul. Dia juga sempat membantah bahwa seorang pasien memiliki kanker, dia berkata bahwa pasien tersebut hanya menderita kista. Setelah diadakan tes lebih lanjut ternyata memang benar bahwa pasien tersebut hanya mederita kista.


Luar biasa, Natasha Demkina memiliki mata yang hebat. Kemampuan matanya ini seperti jagoan yang ada didalam komik superhero. Matanya seperti Kemampuan mata Superman yang dapat melihat tembus pandang.


English :


Awesome..!!! There is a girl in Russia who has X-Ray Eyes ability. Natasha Demkina claims she has an extraordinary gift that means she can quite literally see right through people. Natasha is able to look into people’s bodies and correctly diagnose their medical problems, without any help from ultrasound or x-ray equipment.


Natasha’s mother, Tatyana Vladimovna, says that her daughter appeared to be like any other child as she grew up, although she was mature for her age. Natasha learned to do things more quickly than other children; she was able to talk at just six months and At three she had learned the alphabet and mastered how to operate a snow mobile.


When she was 10, Natasha went into hospital to have her appendix removed. There were complications and it was discovered that cotton swabs had been left in her abdomen. Natasha had a second operation to remove the swabs and one month later she began to remark on the fact she could see inside people. She told her mother she saw what looked like a vacuum cleaner hose, two beans and a tomato inside her. Tatyana believed that, although Natasha didn’t know the correct words, her daughter was describing her intestines, kidneys and heart.


At the children’s hospital in her hometown of Saransk, Western Russia, doctors ran a battery of tests to find out if the little girl really did have x-ray vision. In one case Natasha drew a picture of what she saw inside a doctor’s stomach, apparently marking a dark spot exactly where he had an ulcer. She also disagreed with the diagnosis of a cancer patient, saying all she could see was a small cyst. Further tests on the woman seemed to prove Natasha was correct.


Amazing, Natasha Demkina has great eyes ability. This eyes ability like what superhero has in the Comic Book. Just like the eyes of Superman who can see through people body.


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{ 12 comments... read them below or add one }

anggaarie said...


Tips Facebook said...

superhero beneran :D

gsjumpevir said...

wah bahaya ntr gw diliat bugil :D

pengobatan alternatif said...

hebat bgt bisa kaya gitu

kika said...

ternyata Tuhan jg menciptakan manusia begini jg yaa...

owL mp3 said...

Weleh Weleh..
the Next gatot kaca ~:>

Anonymous said...

hoax banget -__________-

jangan langsung percaya doong kalo baca2 yg kya bginian...

Manga80 said...

nice info...

nationalinks.blogspot.com said...

wah hebat banget klo gitu yaw

Siti Latifah said...

wih asik yah mau gue

Hybrid Car said...

Mantab, bisa kerja di rumah sakit pengganti mesin X-Ray kalo rusak donk

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